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Other News & Events

Carers’ Week 2021 is just a few weeks away

On Monday 11th October from 6:00pm till 8:00pm we are fortunate to have Nick Avery from South West Autism Network (SWAN) coming along to do a presentation on Life on the Spectrum.  After the presentation Nick will stay to answer any questions you may have about autism and strategies to understand and communicate with your loved ones.

Wednesday the 13th from 9:30am till 1:00pm Steve Blackwell has agreed to run a safeTALK Workshop for anyone who is interested in learning how to become a suicide-alert helper and to be able to recognise the signs and take action to get help.  This is open to everyone including those who are doing it for the first time or those who would like to do a refresher.

Our final activity is on Thursday the 14th in the afternoon from 1:00pm till 3;30pm.  Maria will be running a Rock Art session.  Afternoon tea will be provided and people are encouraged to come along and have a cuppa with a laugh and some chatting.  Come along even if you do not want to do the Rock Art.  We are dedicating the afternoon tea in memory of Kim Loader who passed away earlier this year.  We are all grateful that Kim started up the Carers’ program at Pathways Southwest and it will continue as a legacy to all her work for years to come.

If you are interested in attending any of these sessions either email or by ringing the office on 9791 1257.